Membership Application

Membership Form / Annual Membership Dues & Annual Donation

Fill out the form below and mail to: NAIA Trust, PO Box 66579, Portland, Oregon 97290-6579

Download Membership Form

I would like to Donate: [  ] $25 [  ] $50 [  ] $100 [  ] $500 [  ] $1000 [  ] More ________
Organization Name: ____________________________________
Contact Person: ____________________________________
Street Address: ____________________________________
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________
Fax: ____________________________________
E-Mail: ____________________________________
I can volunteer
in the following ways:
[  ] Visa or [  ] Mastercard: ____________________________________
Credit Card #: ____________________________________
Experiation Date: ____________________________________

You can also remember NAIA TRUST in your will. Check here [  ] or simply contact us at the address above to receive more information about bequests.

Donations to NAIA Trust are not deductible as charitable contributions under normal circumstances. Ask your tax accountant to be sure. EIN #52-7114458